Saturday, November 7, 2009

Entry # 9 --- Asking the Silly Questions

Ok, I admit it. I have not been good about posting in my journal. I have let myself become lazy about being dedicated to my writing. But because writing is in my blood, in my soul and in my heart, to it I will always return.

I have been reading my book about journal writing and it has really given me a lot to think about. One thing that jumped out at me while I was reading tonight was a question about looking at a room as if you were a child and to describe what you saw. It immediately took me to a similar conversation I had with David not too long ago. I was laying on the bed and letting my head hang over the edge. As I was looking up at the ceiling, I told David that I used to do that a lot when I was younger. I used to look up at the ceiling from the bed and imagine if the room were turned upside down, where the ceiling was the floor and vice versa. I used to think if that were true, the house would be so clean and simple. With no clutter and everything looking so pure, how unusual that would be. The memory in itself may sound silly, but it reminded me of how I don't think about things in life with that kind of curiosity anymore. I mean, I still ask questions and try to figure things out, but they are no longer of a simplistic nature. I just feel as though I have allowed myself to become so rigid and fixated on certain aspects of life, I have let the inquisitive part of myself diminish a bit. This has put some perspective in front of me. I want to start focusing on noticing the simple things. I want to ask silly questions, questions that may have no particular relevance to the "bigger picture." In some weird way, I think this new look will allow me to appreciate the "bigger picture" even more.

I think I will start by laying on the bed and letting my head hang over the edge... :)

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