Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Woman's Worth

It is a woman's nature to give. We do it openly and freely. Many times, we give and receive very little (if anything) in return. Sometimes, this is done at the expense of our own well-being. Our complexities run deep and our range of our emotions stretches beyond any string of words that can be written. Our giving nature (over time) causes us to become somewhat delicate, yet we have an immense strength that supersedes our fragility. God created woman with a purpose; she is the pillar of faith, hope and love. She can carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, cry a river of tears in her soul and return to you a smile that lights up a room. If a woman could reveal the scars on her heart from all the pain she has endured, it would likely look like a war zone. And yet, she perseveres. Why? The simple answer is that she understands the true beauty of the world around her. She sees all that life has to offer and she jumps in headfirst. Even through pain and suffering, she waits for the rainbow at the end of the storm. She knows that when she finds that "sweet spot" of happiness, it will have been worth it all. See, even in the worst of circumstances, a woman can find the value in hardship. Therefore, know that when a woman gives you her love, she does so with a bandage over her heart. She trusts you to slowly pull that bandage away and yet, it is often ripped off instead. A woman has so much to give; subtle nuances may be all you've seen, but the river runs deep. A love like ours should be cherished and revered. Women, take heed for you hold the key. Don't give your heart away to anyone undeserving of your love. Nurture all that you have and save it for those who earn it. If you find yourself engaged in a battle, do not allow yourself to become broken. God did not give us all these wonderful and amazing qualities for us to completely shut-down for anybody. If we know our own worth, we will convey that outwardly to everyone around us. Don't let yourself be downgraded by anybody else or worse, by your own admission. Stand tall, stand proud and be thankful for the many things that you make you the brilliant woman you are!

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